Doctor Who is one of the most beloved science fiction shows in the world. Since it first aired in 1963, fans have been captivated by the adventures of the Doctor, a Time Lord who travels through time and space in the TARDIS, a blue police box. With its iconic characters, thrilling storylines, and unique ability to change the Doctor’s appearance, the show has created an incredible universe filled with fascinating facts and trivia. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to the series, there’s always something interesting to learn!
Today, we’ll share some fun and surprising Doctor Who trivia that will test your knowledge and impress your friends. You might find out how many actors have played the Doctor or learn about some of the wildest alien creatures from the series. From the history of the show to behind-the-scenes secrets, this trivia will highlight why Doctor Who has remained a favorite for generations. Get ready to add to your knowledge and see how much you really know about this extraordinary series!
Doctor Who Trivia
Timey-Wimey Characters of Doctor Who
1. Who was the first actor to play the Doctor on TV? (Answer: William Hartnell)
2. What is the name of the Doctor’s granddaughter? (Answer: Susan Foreman)
3. Which actor played the Tenth Doctor? (Answer: David Tennant)
4. What is The Master’s real name? (Answer: Koschei)
5. Who played the role of Martha Jones? (Answer: Freema Agyeman)
6. Which Doctor is known for his long scarf? (Answer: Fourth Doctor)
7. Who is the companion known for often getting into danger and saying “I’m sorry”? (Answer: Rose Tyler)
8. Which female companion used to be a barmaid? (Answer: Amy Pond)
9. What is Captain Jack Harkness’s profession? (Answer: Time agent)
10. What special ability does River Song have regarding the Doctor? (Answer: She knows his future)
Extraterrestrial Adventures in Doctor Who
1. What is the name of the Doctor’s most famous enemy, who often says “Exterminate”? (Answer: Daleks)
2. Which hostile species is known for their cybernetic enhancements? (Answer: Cybermen)
3. What name is given to the robotic dogs created by the Daleks? (Answer: Dalek Sec)
4. Who are the time-traveling aliens that eat their way through time? (Answer: Weeping Angels)
5. Which alien race can regenerate their bodies like the Doctor? (Answer: Time Lords)
6. What species is the Face of Boe? (Answer: Unknown, but he is a time being)
7. What are the creatures known as that consume time? (Answer: Time Eater)
8. Which alien race is disguised as humans, often in government roles? (Answer: Zygons)
9. What is the name of the Doctor’s nemesis who is a disfigured former Time Lord? (Answer: The Master)
10. What do the Silurians represent in the show? (Answer: Ancient reptilian race)
TARDIS Travels Through Time and Space
1. What does TARDIS stand for? (Answer: Time and Relative Dimension in Space)
2. How is the TARDIS described on the outside? (Answer: A blue British police box)
3. What year did the TARDIS first “chameleon circuit” malfunction? (Answer: 1963)
4. Which important historical figure did the TARDIS once meet during its travels? (Answer: Queen Elizabeth I)
5. What is the TARDIS’ famous characteristic that makes it unusual? (Answer: Larger on the inside)
6. How does The Doctor pilot the TARDIS? (Answer: Using a central console)
7. Where is the TARDIS based when not traveling? (Answer: The Doctor’s personal timeline)
8. What causes the TARDIS to become detectable to others? (Answer: When the Doctor is in danger)
9. What is one of the main weaknesses of the TARDIS? (Answer: It can be trapped in one time)
10. What happens to the TARDIS during times of significant danger? (Answer: It can hide itself)
Secrets and Easter Eggs of Doctor Who
1. What is the famous phrase associated with the TARDIS? (Answer: “It’s bigger on the inside”)
2. Which character frequently breaks the fourth wall? (Answer: The Doctor)
3. In which episode do we first see the phrase “Bad Wolf”? (Answer: Series One, Episode Eight)
4. What is the name of the Doctor’s catchphrase? (Answer: “Allons-y”)
5. What are the hidden clocks in the show symbolic of? (Answer: Time travel)
6. Which episodes often include references to classic British literature? (Answer: The Shakespeare Code)
7. How many regenerations can a Time Lord typically have? (Answer: Twelve)
8. What color is often associated with the Doctor’s TARDIS? (Answer: Blue)
9. Which creature first appeared in a library? (Answer: Vashta Nerada)
10. What’s the name of the secret organization that works to save the universe? (Answer: Torchwood)
Family Ties in the Doctor Who Universe
1. Who is the Doctor’s mother? (Answer: Verity)
2. Who is the Doctor’s father? (Answer: The Time Lord known as Ulysses)
3. Who are the Time Lord siblings that appeared in one episode? (Answer: The Other)
4. What is the Doctor’s relationship with Jenny? (Answer: His daughter)
5. Who is the Doctor’s “son” who raised him? (Answer: The Timeless Child)
6. Who was the Doctor’s granddaughter before she met the Doctor? (Answer: Susan)
7. What did The Doctor’s wife, River Song, do? (Answer: She was also a Time Lady)
8. How does the Doctor’s family often interact with him frequently? (Answer: They often conflict)
9. What does the Doctor’s family often comment on? (Answer: His adventures)
10. What emotional connection does the Doctor often seek from the past? (Answer: His family ties)
Behind-The-Scenes Whispers of Doctor Who
1. What year did Doctor Who first air? (Answer: 1963)
2. Who created the television show Doctor Who? (Answer: Sydney Newman)
3. What BBC series did Doctor Who originally compete with? (Answer: Coronation Street)
4. Which Doctor had a regeneration that was not planned? (Answer: The Second Doctor)
5. Who was the first female showrunner for Doctor Who? (Answer: Russell T. Davies)
6. What popular Doctor Who merchandise exists? (Answer: Action figures, DVDs, books)
7. How long was the original run of Doctor Who before its revival? (Answer: 26 years)
8. What was the budget for the first episode of Doctor Who? (Answer: £147)
9. What is the unique effect often used for time travel in the series? (Answer: The time vortex)
10. What is the main filming location for Doctor Who? (Answer: Cardiff)
Iconic Soundtracks and Music of Doctor Who
1. Who composed the original theme music for Doctor Who? (Answer: Ron Grainer)
2. What instrument is prominently used in the Doctor Who theme? (Answer: Theremin)
3. What iconic sound does the TARDIS make when it materializes? (Answer: A wheezing sound)
4. What is a common musical instrument used to create sound effects in the show? (Answer: The electric guitar)
5. Who has performed covers of the Doctor Who theme? (Answer: Various artists, including the BBC Philharmonic)
6. Which composer has created music for the revived series of Doctor Who? (Answer: Murray Gold)
7. What is the Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular? (Answer: A concert celebrating the show’s music)
8. What musical theme is recognized as a motif for the Daleks? (Answer: There is no specific theme for them)
9. How many different theme arrangements have there been throughout the series? (Answer: Several)
10. What is the theme tune often associated with the regeneration of the Doctor? (Answer: “I Am The Doctor”)
Final Thoughts
Doctor Who has captured the hearts of millions with its captivating characters, thrilling storylines, and a universe filled with unique creatures. The trivia shared here highlights just how much depth and creativity have gone into this beloved series. From the Time Lords to the TARDIS, each element adds to the excitement and wonder of Doctor Who. Whether you are discovering new facts or testing your knowledge, let your passion for the show inspire you to learn more. Dive into other topics like superhero trivia or explore the wild world of Rick and Morty trivia. Happy exploring!