96 Fun Children’S Bible Trivia Questions and Answers

Children’s Bible trivia is a fun and engaging way to help kids learn about the stories and teachings found in the Bible. From exciting tales of heroes like David and Daniel to the important lessons taught by Jesus, there’s so much for children to explore. Trivia questions can spark curiosity, inspire conversations, and make Bible study enjoyable. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or simply someone who loves sharing the richness of the Bible, trivia can be a great tool to connect with kids.

Today, we’ll share some exciting trivia questions that will challenge kids and encourage them to think about the stories they know. These questions can be used in Sunday school classes, family game nights, or even just for fun. Not only do they help improve knowledge of the Bible, but they also strengthen memory and critical thinking skills. So get ready to put your Bible knowledge to the test and help the children in your life learn while having a blast! Prepare for laughter, learning, and plenty of “aha” moments as you tackle these intriguing trivia questions together.

Children’S Bible Trivia

Fascinating Facts from the Children’S Bible Trivia

1. Who built the ark to save his family and two of every animal from the flood? (Answer: Noah)

2. What city did God tell Jonah to go to, but he tried to escape instead? (Answer: Nineveh)

3. Who was swallowed by a big fish? (Answer: Jonah)

4. Which boy defeated the giant Goliath with just a stone and a slingshot? (Answer: David)

5. Who led the Israelites out of Egypt? (Answer: Moses)

6. Who was known for his incredible strength, which came from his uncut hair? (Answer: Samson)

7. What did Joseph’s brothers sell him into slavery for? (Answer: Twenty pieces of silver)

8. Who was the first man created by God? (Answer: Adam)

9. Who was created from Adam’s rib? (Answer: Eve)

10. What is the first book of the New Testament? (Answer: Matthew)

Heroes and Lessons from the Children’S Bible Trivia

1. What did David use to defeat Goliath? (Answer: A sling and a stone)

2. Who interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams in Egypt? (Answer: Joseph)

3. What miracle did Jesus perform at a wedding in Cana? (Answer: Turned water into wine)

4. Who was known for her bravery and helped save her people from destruction? (Answer: Esther)

5. What did Moses lift up to part the Red Sea? (Answer: His staff)

6. Who was the disciple that betrayed Jesus with a kiss? (Answer: Judas Iscariot)

7. What was the name of the giant killed by David? (Answer: Goliath)

8. Who was the first person to see Jesus after he rose from the dead? (Answer: Mary Magdalene)

9. Who was commanded to build the Ark of the Covenant? (Answer: Bezalel)

10. Who was thrown into a den of lions for praying to God? (Answer: Daniel)

Parables and Teachings from the Children’S Bible Trivia

1. What did Jesus use to illustrate the importance of forgiveness? (Answer: The parable of the unforgiving servant)

2. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who helped the injured man? (Answer: The Samaritan)

3. What did the prodigal son squander? (Answer: His inheritance)

4. What was the key message in the parable of the lost sheep? (Answer: God cares for every individual)

5. Who is referred to as the “light of the world”? (Answer: Jesus)

6. What did Jesus teach about storing treasures? (Answer: Store treasures in heaven, not on earth)

7. In which parable did a man find a hidden treasure in a field? (Answer: The parable of the hidden treasure)

8. What does Jesus say about loving your enemies? (Answer: Love them and pray for them)

9. Which parable talks about building a house on rock versus sand? (Answer: The parable of the wise and foolish builders)

10. In the parable of the talents, what were the servants supposed to do with their talents? (Answer: Invest and make more)

Miraculous Moments from the Children’S Bible Trivia

1. What miracle did Jesus perform involving five loaves and two fish? (Answer: Fed five thousand people)

2. Who walked on water with Jesus? (Answer: Peter)

3. What happened when Jesus touched the leper? (Answer: He was healed)

4. Which Bible character was raised from the dead by Jesus? (Answer: Lazarus)

5. What did Jesus say when he calmed the storm? (Answer: Peace! Be still!)

6. Who was the woman that touched Jesus’ cloak and was healed? (Answer: The woman with the issue of blood)

7. What was the first plague that God sent upon Egypt? (Answer: Water turned to blood)

8. Who was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire? (Answer: Elijah)

9. What did Jesus turn to when he was tempted by the devil? (Answer: Scripture)

10. What did Moses receive on Mount Sinai? (Answer: The Ten Commandments)

Names and Places in the Children’S Bible Trivia

1. Where was Jesus born? (Answer: Bethlehem)

2. What city was known as the home of King David? (Answer: Jerusalem)

3. Who lived in the land of Uz? (Answer: Job)

4. What mountain did Moses go up to receive the Ten Commandments? (Answer: Mount Sinai)

5. Where did Jesus perform many miracles? (Answer: Galilee)

6. What was the name of Abraham’s son who was almost sacrificed? (Answer: Isaac)

7. Who was the high priest during the time of Jesus? (Answer: Caiaphas)

8. Where did the Israelites wander for forty years? (Answer: The desert)

9. What city was surrounded by walls that fell after the Israelites marched around them? (Answer: Jericho)

10. What was the name of the garden where Jesus prayed before his crucifixion? (Answer: Gethsemane)

Faith and Courage in Children’S Bible Trivia

1. Who refused to bow to King Nebuchadnezzar’s statue? (Answer: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego)

2. What did Job maintain despite losing everything? (Answer: His faith in God)

3. Who was the disciple known for doubting Jesus’ resurrection until he saw Him? (Answer: Thomas)

4. Who led the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses? (Answer: Joshua)

5. Who showed great faith by trusting God to protect her spies? (Answer: Rahab)

6. What did the widow offer in the temple that pleased Jesus? (Answer: Two small coins)

7. Who boldly declared their faith in front of the king’s court? (Answer: Daniel)

8. What does the Bible say about faith being stronger than fear? (Answer: Perfect love casts out fear)

9. Who said, “Here I am, Lord”? (Answer: Samuel)

10. What famous line did Esther say to encourage the people? (Answer: “If I perish, I perish”)

Final Thoughts

These trivia questions are a fantastic way to engage children with stories from the Bible and help them learn important lessons. From incredible heroes like David and Daniel to vital teachings shared by Jesus, kids can discover the richness of scripture in a fun and interactive manner.

Using these questions in various settings such as family game nights or Sunday school can deepen understanding and foster conversations about faith. Each question presents an opportunity for learning and growth, making Bible study an enjoyable experience.

Encourage kids to continue exploring topics like Women of the Bible or challenge them with Bible Trivia Jeopardy to enrich their biblical knowledge. Together, you can embark on an exciting journey through the pages of the Bible, filled with discovery and wonder.

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