96 Fun Bible Trivia Cards Questions and Answers

Bible Trivia Cards are a fun and engaging way to learn more about the stories, characters, and lessons found in the Bible. These cards are designed to challenge your knowledge and introduce you to interesting facts that you might not have known. Whether you’re at home, in a youth group, or having a family game night, Bible Trivia Cards can help everyone get involved and enjoy their time together while increasing their understanding of the Scriptures.

Today, we’ll look at how Bible Trivia Cards can spark conversations about faith, promote teamwork, and make learning about the Bible enjoyable. Whether you are a seasoned Bible reader or just starting your journey, these cards can be a great tool. They can help build confidence in knowing Bible stories and make sharing your faith with friends even more exciting. Get ready to test your skills and have some fun as we highlight creative ways to use these cards in your daily life and gatherings!

Bible Trivia Cards

Stories from the Sacred Text

1. Who was swallowed by a great fish? (Answer: Jonah)

2. What did Moses part to lead the Israelites out of Egypt? (Answer: The Red Sea)

3. Who was known for his incredible strength and famously defeated Goliath? (Answer: David)

4. What city did Joshua and the Israelites conquer by marching around its walls? (Answer: Jericho)

5. Who turned water into wine at a wedding? (Answer: Jesus)

6. What did the Good Samaritan help on the road? (Answer: A wounded traveler)

7. Who built an ark to survive a great flood? (Answer: Noah)

8. Which disciple denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed? (Answer: Peter)

9. What miracle did Jesus perform with five loaves and two fish? (Answer: Feeding the 5,000)

10. Who was the first person to see Jesus after His resurrection? (Answer: Mary Magdalene)

Character Corner: Bible Trivia Cards Edition

1. Who was known for wisdom and wrote many Proverbial sayings? (Answer: Solomon)

2. Who was the first king of Israel? (Answer: Saul)

3. Who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver? (Answer: Judas Iscariot)

4. Who was a prophet and was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind? (Answer: Elijah)

5. Who interpreted dreams for Pharaoh in Egypt? (Answer: Joseph)

6. Who was the mother of Jesus? (Answer: Mary)

7. Who led the Israelites into the Promised Land? (Answer: Joshua)

8. Who was a tax collector and became a disciple? (Answer: Matthew)

9. Who was thrown into a lion’s den for praying? (Answer: Daniel)

10. Who was the strong woman who made a notable statement about her faith when she said, “If I perish, I perish”? (Answer: Esther)

Lessons of Faith in Bible Trivia Cards

1. What does Philippians 4:13 say about strength? (Answer: I can do all things through Christ)

2. In which book do we find the Fruit of the Spirit? (Answer: Galatians)

3. What was the main lesson of the Parable of the Lost Sheep? (Answer: God seeks the lost)

4. Which commandment emphasizes love for your neighbor? (Answer: Love your neighbor as yourself)

5. What virtue is described as being patient in trials? (Answer: Perseverance)

6. Who is traditionally credited with writing the Book of Psalms? (Answer: David)

7. What did Jesus say is the greatest commandment? (Answer: Love the Lord your God)

8. In the Beatitudes, who are the meek said to inherit the earth? (Answer: The meek)

9. Which biblical story teaches about forgiveness through the Prodigal Son? (Answer: Luke 15)

10. What does Romans 8:28 remind believers about God’s purpose? (Answer: All things work together for good)

Miracles and Wonders in Bible Trivia Cards

1. What miracle involved a woman touching Jesus’ garment? (Answer: Healing of the bleeding woman)

2. Which event is known as Jesus walking on water? (Answer: Matthew 14)

3. What was the miracle of Jesus during a storm with His disciples? (Answer: Calming the storm)

4. What did Jesus raise from the dead after being in the tomb for four days? (Answer: Lazarus)

5. Which Old Testament miracle involved food raining down from heaven? (Answer: Manna)

6. What type of miraculous event happened at Pentecost? (Answer: Speaking in tongues)

7. What was the notable miracle performed by Peter and John at the temple? (Answer: Healing the lame man)

8. Who had their hand restored after being withered? (Answer: A man healed by Jesus)

9. What miracle did Jesus perform with a blind man’s eyes in Bethsaida? (Answer: Healing him by spitting on his eyes)

10. What did Elijah do when he confronted the prophets of Baal? (Answer: Called down fire from heaven)

Heroes and Villains of the Bible Trivia Cards

1. Who is known as the father of many nations and showed great faith? (Answer: Abraham)

2. Who plotted against Daniel in the lion’s den? (Answer: Jealous officials)

3. Who was the queen that saved her people from destruction? (Answer: Esther)

4. Which righteous king brought reforms during his reign? (Answer: King Josiah)

5. Who was the warrior judge known for leading Israel against the Canaanites? (Answer: Deborah)

6. Who was the dishonest manager that faced judgment in Jesus’ parable? (Answer: The unjust steward)

7. Which king of Babylon conquered Jerusalem and exiled the Jews? (Answer: Nebuchadnezzar)

8. Who was the man that sold his birthright for a meal? (Answer: Esau)

9. Who is referred to as “the serpent” in the story of the temptation? (Answer: Satan)

10. Who was the king who wrote the book “Ecclesiastes”? (Answer: Solomon)

God’s Promises in Bible Trivia Cards

1. What does God promise in Jeremiah 29:11? (Answer: Plans to prosper you)

2. What do the rainbow symbolize in the Noahic covenant? (Answer: God’s promise not to flood the earth again)

3. Which of God’s promises can be found in Romans 10:13? (Answer: Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved)

4. What does 1 Corinthians 10:13 assure about temptations? (Answer: God provides a way out)

5. What promise does John 14:2 highlight about heaven? (Answer: Many rooms in my Father’s house)

6. What promise did God make to Abraham regarding his descendants? (Answer: They will be as numerous as the stars)

7. What does Isaiah 41:10 say about God’s presence? (Answer: He will strengthen and help you)

8. What does Matthew 11:28 invite those who are weary to do? (Answer: Come to Me for rest)

9. In Ephesians 3:20, what does God promise about His ability? (Answer: He can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine)

10. What does Luke 12:32 reassure about God’s kingdom? (Answer: It is God’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom)

Final Thoughts

Bible Trivia Cards offer an exciting way to deepen your understanding of the Scriptures while engaging in fun competitions. They highlight key stories, influential characters, and important lessons in a way that’s fun for everyone involved. From exploring the miracles that had lasting impacts on faith to the promises God has made throughout time, the questions you’ve encountered here provide a glimpse into the wealth of knowledge found in the Bible.

Consider using these trivia cards as a bonding activity with family and friends or as an engaging tool in community groups and youth gatherings.
You can explore even more engaging topics with unique trivia by checking out Easter Bible Trivia or testing your skills in a Bible Trivia Jeopardy format. Don’t miss out on the opportunities to share and learn together!

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