Christmas is a special time of year, filled with joy, lights, and traditions. One of the best parts about this holiday is the story of Jesus’ birth, which is told in the Bible. This story includes interesting characters, miraculous events, and important lessons. Many people celebrate Christmas with decorations, songs, and family gatherings, but how well do you know the true story behind the holiday? There are many fun and surprising facts about Christmas in the Bible that can make your celebrations even more meaningful.
Today, we’re going to share some exciting Bible Christmas trivia. Whether you are looking to impress your friends or just want to learn something new, these facts will bring you closer to the heart of the season. From the star that guided the Wise Men to the humble manger where Jesus was born, each trivia tidbit adds depth to the familiar Christmas tale. So, get ready to test your knowledge and maybe even learn something that will make this Christmas unforgettable!
Bible Christmas Trivia
Journey to the Manger: The Story of Jesus’ Birth
1. In which town was Jesus born? (Answer: Bethlehem)
2. Who was Jesus’ mother? (Answer: Mary)
3. Who was the husband of Mary? (Answer: Joseph)
4. What did Mary and Joseph use as Jesus’ first bed? (Answer: A manger)
5. What angel announced Jesus’ birth to Mary? (Answer: Gabriel)
6. How did Mary become pregnant with Jesus? (Answer: By the Holy Spirit)
7. What was the name of the Roman ruler during Jesus’ birth? (Answer: Caesar Augustus)
8. What did Joseph and Mary ride to Bethlehem? (Answer: A donkey)
9. Why did Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem? (Answer: To register for a census)
10. Who visited Jesus after he was born? (Answer: The shepherds)
Shepherds and Angels: The Night of Glory
1. What did the angels say to the shepherds? (Answer: “Do not be afraid.”)
2. What was the sign given to the shepherds? (Answer: A baby wrapped in swaddling clothes)
3. How many angels appeared to the shepherds? (Answer: A multitude)
4. What did the angels sing about? (Answer: Peace on Earth)
5. How did the shepherds react after hearing the news? (Answer: They went to see the baby)
6. What did the shepherds do after visiting Jesus? (Answer: They spread the news)
7. In which book of the Bible is the story of the shepherds found? (Answer: Luke)
8. What time of year is it suggested Jesus was born? (Answer: Winter)
9. What phrase did the angels use to describe Jesus? (Answer: “A Savior, who is Christ the Lord”)
10. How did the shepherds find Jesus? (Answer: They followed the angel’s directions)
The Wise Men’s Journey: Following the Star
1. What did the Wise Men follow to find Jesus? (Answer: A star)
2. From which country did the Wise Men come? (Answer: The East)
3. What gifts did the Wise Men bring to Jesus? (Answer: Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh)
4. How many Wise Men are traditionally believed to have visited Jesus? (Answer: Three)
5. What title did the Wise Men use for Jesus? (Answer: King of the Jews)
6. What did the Wise Men warn Joseph about? (Answer: King Herod’s plan to kill Jesus)
7. Which book of the Bible mentions the Wise Men? (Answer: Matthew)
8. How did the Wise Men find their way? (Answer: By following the star)
9. What was the name of the king who wanted to find Jesus? (Answer: Herod)
10. How did the Wise Men return home? (Answer: By another route)
Characters in the Nativity: The People of the Story
1. Who was the elderly prophet that recognized Jesus in the temple? (Answer: Simeon)
2. What was the name of the prophetess who also saw Jesus in the temple? (Answer: Anna)
3. Who is traditionally considered Jesus’ earthly father? (Answer: Joseph)
4. Which relative of Mary also gave birth around the same time? (Answer: Elizabeth)
5. Who helped Mary during her pregnancy? (Answer: Elizabeth)
6. What was Joseph’s occupation? (Answer: Carpenter)
7. Who tried to convince Joseph to divorce Mary? (Answer: Joseph himself before the angel appeared)
8. Who was the angel that appeared to Joseph in a dream? (Answer: An angel of the Lord)
9. Who were the first to worship the newborn Jesus? (Answer: The shepherds)
10. Which animals are commonly associated with the nativity scene? (Answer: Sheep, donkey, and ox)
The Importance of Christmas: Lessons from the Birth of Jesus
1. What does the name “Jesus” mean? (Answer: “God saves”)
2. Why is Jesus’ birth significant? (Answer: It fulfills prophecies of the Messiah)
3. What does Christmas celebrate? (Answer: The birth of Jesus Christ)
4. What does the Nativity symbolize for Christians? (Answer: The love and humility of God)
5. Why do Christians give gifts at Christmas? (Answer: To reflect the gifts from the Wise Men)
6. What does the star of Bethlehem represent? (Answer: Guidance and hope)
7. Why is it important to share the Christmas story? (Answer: To spread the message of Jesus)
8. What emotion is often associated with Christmas? (Answer: Joy)
9. What do the angels’ words “Good news of great joy” mean for Christians? (Answer: The Savior has come)
10. What lesson can we learn from Mary and Joseph’s faith? (Answer: Trust in God during difficult times)
Christmas Traditions: Celebrating the Story
1. What is placed at the top of many Christmas trees? (Answer: A star)
2. What do Christians often hang on their doors to celebrate? (Answer: Wreaths)
3. What is the significance of the Christmas star in the tradition? (Answer: It represents the star that guided the Wise Men)
4. Which hymn celebrates the birth of Jesus? (Answer: “O Holy Night”)
5. What is a common food served during Christmas meals? (Answer: Ham)
6. In what month is Christmas celebrated? (Answer: December)
7. What do people often hang over mantels as decoration? (Answer: Stockings)
8. Which popular beverage is often enjoyed during Christmas? (Answer: Eggnog)
9. What color is often associated with Christmas? (Answer: Red and Green)
10. When do many people exchange gifts? (Answer: Christmas Day)
Wonders of the Nativity: Miracles Surrounding Jesus’ Birth
1. What miracle happened when Jesus was born? (Answer: The virgin birth)
2. What miraculous event occurred at Jesus’ baptism? (Answer: The heavens opened and a dove descended)
3. What did the star do in the sky? (Answer: It guided the Wise Men)
4. How did the angels appear to the shepherds? (Answer: In a glorious light)
5. What was unique about the manger? (Answer: It was a humble setting for Jesus’ birth)
6. What prophecy was fulfilled by the birth of Jesus? (Answer: He would be born of a virgin)
7. What did the shepherds find when they went to Bethlehem? (Answer: Jesus lying in a manger)
8. How did the Wise Men know where to go? (Answer: They watched the stars)
9. What did King Herod lie about to the Wise Men? (Answer: He wanted to worship Jesus)
10. How did stable animals contribute to the nativity scene? (Answer: They were present at Jesus’ birth)
Final Thoughts
We hope you enjoyed this journey through the fascinating trivia about the story of Christmas as told in the Bible. From the remarkable events surrounding Jesus’ birth to the various traditions we celebrate today, there is so much to learn and share. Each piece of trivia allows us to appreciate the depth and significance of the Christmas season even more.
Whether you test your knowledge or share these facts with friends and family, remember the true meaning of Christmas and how it connects us all. For more interesting facts, check out our printable Christmas trivia or learn about a classic tale with our A Christmas Story trivia.
May the joy and wonder of this season fill your hearts as you reflect on the miraculous story of Jesus’ birth.