96 Fun Bible Trivia Jeopardy Questions and Answers

Do you love testing your knowledge of the Bible? If so, Bible Trivia Jeopardy is a fun and exciting way to challenge yourself and others! This game mixes the classic quiz format with the thrill of a game show. You can play with friends, family, or even in a church group. With different categories and points for each question, it’s a great way to learn more about the stories, characters, and teachings found in the Bible.

Today, we’ll talk about how to set up your own Bible Trivia Jeopardy game. You can create categories like “Famous Stories,” “Miracles,” and “Key Figures” to make it more interesting. We’ll also share tips on how to come up with questions of varying difficulty. Whether you’re a Bible expert or just starting out, there’s something for everyone. Get ready to challenge your friends and see who knows the Bible best!

Bible Trivia Jeopardy

Epic Tales in Bible Trivia

1. What fruit is mentioned in the Garden of Eden? (Answer: Apple)

2. Who was swallowed by a big fish? (Answer: Jonah)

3. What did David use to defeat Goliath? (Answer: A slingshot)

4. Who led the Israelites out of Egypt? (Answer: Moses)

5. What city was destroyed for its wickedness in Genesis? (Answer: Sodom)

6. Who was the first murderer in the Bible? (Answer: Cain)

7. What was the first miracle performed by Jesus? (Answer: Turning water into wine)

8. Who was known for her beauty and bravery, saving her people? (Answer: Esther)

9. Which biblical figure dreamed of a ladder that reached to heaven? (Answer: Jacob)

10. Who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver? (Answer: Judas Iscariot)

Miraculous Moments in Bible Trivia

1. What miracle did Jesus perform with five loaves and two fish? (Answer: Feeding the 5000)

2. Who turned bitter water sweet at Marah? (Answer: Moses)

3. What did Jesus do to calm the storm on the Sea of Galilee? (Answer: He spoke to it)

4. Who walked on water to meet Jesus? (Answer: Peter)

5. What did Jesus heal when a woman touched his garment? (Answer: Her bleeding)

6. Who laughed when told she would have a child at an old age? (Answer: Sarah)

7. What did God provide the Israelites in the desert? (Answer: Manna)

8. What happened when Elijah prayed for fire to fall from heaven? (Answer: Fire consumed the offering)

9. Who raised Lazarus from the dead? (Answer: Jesus)

10. What animal spoke to Balaam in the Bible? (Answer: A donkey)

Fundamental Figures in Bible Trivia

1. Who was the first king of Israel? (Answer: Saul)

2. Who is known as the ‘Father of Many Nations’? (Answer: Abraham)

3. Who was chosen to be the messenger of God’s word to Pharaoh? (Answer: Moses)

4. Who wrote the majority of the New Testament? (Answer: Paul)

5. Who was the disciple known as the “beloved”? (Answer: John)

6. Who was the mother of Jesus? (Answer: Mary)

7. Who was sold into slavery by his brothers? (Answer: Joseph)

8. Who led the Israelites into the Promised Land? (Answer: Joshua)

9. Who was known for her wisdom and Queen of Sheba? (Answer: Solomon)

10. Who was the prophet that confronted King David about his sin? (Answer: Nathan)

Powerful Promises in Bible Trivia

1. What does God promise to those who believe in Him? (Answer: Eternal life)

2. What was God’s covenant sign to Noah? (Answer: A rainbow)

3. What does Philippians 4:13 state about strength? (Answer: I can do all things through Christ)

4. In Jeremiah, what kind of plans does God have for His people? (Answer: Plans to prosper)

5. What does Psalms 23 say about the Lord? (Answer: He is my shepherd)

6. What was the first commandment given? (Answer: You shall have no other gods)

7. What does Romans 8:28 promise to those who love God? (Answer: All things work together for good)

8. Who promises that the truth will set you free? (Answer: Jesus)

9. In Matthew, what does Jesus say about asking? (Answer: Ask and it will be given)

10. What does 1 John 1:9 promise about confession? (Answer: He is faithful to forgive)

Wisdom and Teachings in Bible Trivia

1. Who is known for his wise sayings and proverbs? (Answer: Solomon)

2. What is the Golden Rule as taught by Jesus? (Answer: Treat others as you want to be treated)

3. What book contains the Beatitudes? (Answer: Matthew)

4. What does Exodus 20 list? (Answer: The Ten Commandments)

5. What did Jesus teach about forgiveness? (Answer: Forgive seventy times seven)

6. Who preached the Sermon on the Mount? (Answer: Jesus)

7. What is the main message of 1 Corinthians 13? (Answer: The importance of love)

8. In James, what is said about faith without deeds? (Answer: It is dead)

9. What does Proverbs 3:5-6 encourage believers to do? (Answer: Trust in the Lord)

10. What happens to a house built on sand according to Jesus? (Answer: It falls)

Historic Events in Bible Trivia

1. What significant event does the Exodus represent? (Answer: The escape from Egypt)

2. During which festival was Jesus crucified? (Answer: Passover)

3. What event marked the beginning of the Christian church? (Answer: Pentecost)

4. Who was the king when Jesus was born? (Answer: Herod)

5. What did the walls of Jericho do when Joshua blew the trumpets? (Answer: They fell)

6. What did Jesus do during the Last Supper? (Answer: He instituted the Lord’s Supper)

7. Which empire was ruling during Jesus’ ministry? (Answer: The Roman Empire)

8. Who was thrown into the lion’s den? (Answer: Daniel)

9. Which king is known for building a great temple in Jerusalem? (Answer: Solomon)

10. What event do Christians celebrate on Easter? (Answer: The resurrection of Jesus)

Final Thoughts

The Bible is filled with fascinating stories, miraculous events, and profound teachings that can deepen our understanding of faith. Bible Trivia Jeopardy is a fantastic way to engage with these stories while having fun with friends and family. By exploring the different categories like epic tales, miraculous moments, and significant figures, players can learn and appreciate the rich content of the Bible.

So why not dive deeper? Whether you’re interested in more Bible trivia, like Christmas trivia, or the teachings within the Book of Mormon found at this link, there is always more to explore!

Get ready to host your own Bible Trivia Jeopardy game and challenge your knowledge while enjoying the powerful lessons the Bible has to offer!

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